The 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学’s 雪莉·莱萨尔护理学院 is dedicated to preparing generalist nurses through a diverse array of nursing roles in a variety of community settings emphasizing our unique heritage in rural healthcare.

The 雪莉·莱萨尔护理学院 stresses the importance of being an intellectual leader and role model in the profession of nursing.



护理和护理教育是促进康复的关键, 健康的维持和恢复, 同时预防疾病.

随着医疗保健的发展,护理和护理教育将变得更加复杂. 这种不断变化的卫生保健环境要求这一角色, 护士的功能和教育准备.

The profession of nursing is best served through highly educated members who continually strive to broaden their knowledge and expertise to meet the increasing demands of the health care environment.

在护理教育的整体方法, 包括对物理的敏感性, 心理, 精神上的, 社会文化, 以及不同的个人需求, 家庭与社区.

Acquisition of nursing knowledge and skill is best achieved through a combination of classroom requirements and clinical experience in both simulated and actual care environments.



  1. 准备个人实践作为学士学位准备护士.
  2. 招募并留住合格的、敬业的教师.
  3. Provide an environment that supports student’s success and promotes innovation and excellence in instruction.
  4. 为改善本地和区域社区的医疗保健作出贡献.


The BSN curriculum will provide nursing education that will enable the baccalaureate-prepared nurse to:

  1. 为个人提供安全护理, 利用跨专业交流的家庭和人群, 协作, 临床判断, 一个整体的框架.
  2. 设计, 管理, and evaluate person-centered nursing care in a variety of structured and unstructured settings to address individual health, 人口健康, 以及健康的社会决定因素.
  3. 扮演领导者的角色, 倡导卫生政策和资源管理在系统为基础的实践使用信息学, 医疗保健技术和财政管理.
  4. Critically appraise current research to promote understanding regarding the production of knowledge and application of evidence-based practice and nursing scholarship.
  5. Actualize a commitment to professional accountability and ethical standards in nursing practice with a focus on 多样性, 股本, 和包容.


The focus of the 雪莉·莱萨尔护理学院’s curriculum is to provide education leading to substantial specialized knowledge of the biological, 物理, 行为, 心理, 社会科学和护理理论作为护理过程的基础. 护理过程就是评估, 护理诊断, 规划, 护理干预, and evaluation in the promotion and maintenance of health; the prevention, 发现病例, 以及疾病管理, 受伤, or infirmity; and the restoration of optimum function. 这个术语也包括管理, 教学, 咨询, 监督, 代表团, 以及护理实践的评价. The professional nurse is directly accountable and responsible to the consumer for the quality of nursing care rendered.

1. 临床判断

作为专业护理的关键属性之一, 临床判断 refers to the process by which nurses make decisions based on nursing knowledge (evidence, 理论, 认识的方式/模式), 其他学科知识, 批判性思维, 以及临床推理. 这个过程用于理解和解释提供护理的信息. 基于临床判断的临床决策直接关系到护理结果(AACN), 2023). 

2. 沟通

沟通, 根据护理和其他理论, 是所有护理实践领域的核心组成部分吗. 通信被定义为信息的交换, 的想法, 并通过各种机制来感受. 这个定义包含了人们相互交流的各种方式, 包括口头, 写, 行为, 肢体语言, 触摸, 和情感. 沟通还包括意向性、相互性、伙伴关系、信任和在场. Effective communication between nurses and individuals and between nurses and other health professionals is necessary for the de生活ry of high quality, 个性化护理. 通信越来越频繁地通过技术方式进行. 沟通也是以团队为基础的核心组成部分, interprofessional care and closely interrelated with the concept 健康的社会决定因素 (AACN, 2023).

3. 富有同情心的护理

作为以人为本的护理的基本原则, compassionate care refers to the way nurses relate to others as human beings and involves “noticing another person’s vulnerability, 正在经历一种情绪反应, 并以对人们有意义的方式与他们一起行动.“富有同情心的护理与关怀等其他概念相关, 同理心, 和尊重,也与患者满意度密切相关, 2023).

4. 多样性、公平和包容

集体, 多样性, 股本, 包容(DEI)指的是广泛的个体范围, 人口, 和社会结构,在基本要素中被改编为最明显的概念之一. 虽然这些统称为一个概念, 对每个概念要素的区分有助于增进理解. 多样性指的是广泛的个体范围, 人口, 以及社会特征, including but not limited to age; sex; race; ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender identity; family structures; geographic locations; national origin; immigrants and refugees; language; any impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; religious beliefs; and socio经济 status. 包容代表环境和组织文化,在其中教师, 学生, 工作人员, 具有多种特点的管理者蓬勃发展. 包容的环境需要有意识地拥抱差异,而不仅仅是容忍差异. 每个人都努力确保别人的观点和经验被邀请, 欢迎, 承认, 在包容的环境中受到尊重. Equity is the ability to recognize the differences in the resources or knowledge needed to allow individuals to fully participate in society, 包括接受高等教育的机会, 目标是克服障碍,确保公平. 要有公平的制度, 所有的人都应该被公平对待, 不受人为障碍的, 刻板印象, 或偏见. Two related concepts that fit within DEI include structural racism and 社会 justice (AACN, 2023).

5. 道德

伦理是专业护理实践的核心,是指指导一个人行为的原则. 道德 is closely tied to moral philosophy involving the study of or examination of morality through a variety of different approaches. 在生命伦理学中有一些普遍接受的原则,其中包括自主性, 善行, 因为这, 和正义. The study of ethics as it relates to nursing practice has led to the exploration of other relevant concepts, 包括道德困境, 道德风险, 道德社会, 道德或批判弹性(AACN), 2023).

6. 循证实践

The de生活ry of optimal health care requires the integration of current evidence and clinical expertise with individual and family preferences. Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to the de生活ry of health care that integrates best evidence from studies and patient care data with clinician expertise and patient preferences and values. In addition there is a need to consider those scientific studies that ask: whose perspectives are solicited, 谁来创造证据, 证据是怎么产生的, 还有什么问题没有得到解答, 以及可能造成的伤害? 这些问题的答案对于整合有意义的内容至关重要, 文化安全, 循证实践, 2023).

7. 卫生政策

健康 policy involves goal directed decision-making about health that is the result of an authorized public decision-making process. 护士在倡导影响患者和专业的政策方面发挥着关键作用, especially when speaking with a united voice on issues that affect nursing practice and health outcomes. Nurses can have a profound influence on 卫生政策 by becoming engaged in the policy process on many levels, 其中包括口译, 评估, 领导政策变革(AACN), 2023).

8. 健康的社会决定因素

健康的决定因素, 一个更广泛的术语, 包括个人, 社会, 经济, 以及影响健康的环境因素. 健康的社会决定因素, a primary component of determinants of health “are the conditions in the environment where people are born, 生活, 学习, 工作, 玩, 敬拜, 年龄影响着广泛的健康, 功能, 生活质量,结果和风险.” The 社会 determinants of health contribute to wide health disparities and inequities in areas such as 经济 stability, 教育质量和机会, 医疗保健质量和访问, 邻里与建筑环境, 以及社会和社区背景. 护理实践,如评估, 健康促进, 获得护理的机会, 耐心的教学有助于改善健康状况. 健康的社会决定因素与多样性的概念密切相关, 股本, 和包容, 卫生政策, 与通信(AACN), 2023).

美国护理学院协会. (2021). 要点:专业护理教育的核心能力. 浏览网址:


  1. 护理实践知识
  2. 人为本保健
  3. 人口健康
  4. 推进护理学术研究.
  5. 在护理服务中应用质量改进原则.
  6. Interprofessional伙伴关系
  7. 运用系统知识在整个护理过程中有效地工作.
  8. 信息和医疗保健技术
  9. 专业
  10. 个人、专业和领导力发展